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HOSTENATURA - Copyright on the use of content, texts and images on the website.

First. - This website and its content are the property of HOSTENATURA, a registered trademark of the group HOSTESERENA, LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY.

Second. - All rights reserved for all countries, for all texts, as well as all illustrations, photographs, texts, and documents presented on this site. All graphic material that appears on this website and in the content generated by HOSTENATURA is its property, and its use on the website is merely informative for customers. Reproduction of any part or all of the content, including the texts, is strictly prohibited.

Third. - The use of images and/or texts for commercial purposes is expressly prohibited. Authorization can be requested via email at info@hosteserena.es, and our Copyright team will assess and approve or deny the request.

In case of administrative silence, the request will be considered denied.

Fourth. - All graphic works are internationally registered for Copyright in Safe Creative, with author number: 2404274571903. At this link, you can check the registered works, their registrations, and their rights. All our registrations are under the modality of: All rights reserved. Use without the express authorization of the creator is not allowed.

Fifth. - Our intellectual property team periodically scans websites and social networks to detect unauthorized reproduction of content. We proceed to claim the rights to those contents.

Sixth. - These conditions apply to all images, texts, and videos published on the Hostenatura website (www.https://hostenatura.es/gb/) or its associated pages, as well as on the various marketplaces where the Hostenatura brand operates, with the contents published on those marketplaces also being the owners of this brand.

Seventh. - HOSTESERENA, LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, reserves the right to take as many legal actions as necessary, in Civil, Criminal, and/or Commercial jurisdiction, to ensure compliance with and defense of its intellectual property.


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