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Smudging sticks can be used to cleanse the aura, for example before meditation or prayer. Bodyworkers and therapists very often use them before treatments.

Smudging has long been used to connect with the spiritual realm or enhance intuition. Burning sage or smudging can uplift one's mood, and could also be a great ally against stress.

The practice of smudging is quite simple: a shell or ceramic bowl, clay or glass dishes to hold the sage or catch ashes, optionally you can use feathers or fans to fan the smoke.

White sage, for example, is used to remove negative influences by burning the plant. During this process a sharp spicy aroma is released. It is stronger than its counterpart Palo Santo, although sage is more often used. The original Latin name for this power plant is Salvia Apiana and it grows 100% naturally.

Ancient Wisdom suppliers have both smudges and loose sage leaves. This way, you are guaranteed the highest quality products to offer your customers. Before packaging, the leaves were dried before being sealed to keep them in good condition during their journey to Europe, so we can guarantee you that our white sage is free of mold.

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