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Maya Fuming Bombs AUM Fragrances

Maya AUM Fragrances Activated Diffuser Bulbs

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  • Bombitas Defumación Maya Canela AUM FRAGANCES - Esferas Mágicas Sahumerio...

    €4.72 -10% €4.25

    Adéntrate en un oasis de paz y armonía con las Bombitas Defumación Maya Canela de Aum Fragrances. Estas esferas mágicas de sahumerio ancestral, elaboradas con canela natural y ritualizadas bajo la sabiduría Maya, te ayudarán a crear un ambiente relajante y propicio para el pensamiento positivo y la armonía interior.

  • Bombitas Defumación Maya Limpia Casa AUM FRAGANCES - Esferas Mágicas...

    €4.72 -10% €4.25

    Adéntrate en un ritual ancestral de limpieza y renovación con las Bombitas Defumación Maya Limpia Casa de Aum Fragrances. Estas esferas mágicas de sahumerio ancestral, elaboradas con hierbas aromáticas seleccionadas y ritualizadas bajo la sabiduría Maya, te ayudarán a purificar tu hogar de energías negativas y crear un ambiente armonioso y protegido.

  • Bombitas Defumación Maya Lavanda AUM FRAGANCES - Esferas Mágicas Sahumerio...

    €4.72 -10% €4.25

    Adéntrate en un oasis de paz y relajación con las Bombitas Defumación Maya Lavanda de Aum Fragrances. Estas esferas mágicas de sahumerio ancestral, elaboradas con lavanda natural y ritualizadas bajo la sabiduría Maya, te ayudarán a crear un ambiente tranquilo, armonioso y lleno de energía positiva.

  • Bombitas Defumación Maya Salvia Blanca AUM FRAGANCES - Esferas Mágicas...

    €4.72 -10% €4.25

    Adéntrate en un ritual ancestral de purificación y elevación espiritual con las Bombitas Defumación Maya Salvia Blanca de Aum Fragrances. Estas esferas mágicas de sahumerio ancestral, elaboradas con salvia blanca natural y ritualizadas bajo la sabiduría Maya, te ayudarán a limpiar tu espacio de energías negativas, atraer vibraciones positivas y elevar tu estado de conciencia.

  • Bombitas Defumación Maya Mirra AUM FRAGANCES - Esferas Mágicas Sahumerio Maya...

    €4.72 -10% €4.25

    The Maya Myrrh Incense Bombs AUM FRAGANCES are an ancient and powerful way to purify your space and elevate your spiritual energy. Made with high-quality pure myrrh and following sacred Maya traditions, these magical incense spheres invite you to carry out a deep and complete fumigation of your home, business, or any place you wish to cleanse and protect.

    Each bomb offers you an intense and long-lasting aromatic experience of approximately 30 minutes. As it burns, the myrrh releases its resinous and balsamic fragrance, filling the air with purifying smoke and attracting positive energies.

  • Bombitas Defumación Maya 7X7 Against all evil AUM FRAGANCES - Magical Incense...

    €4.72 -10% €4.25

    Enter the mystical Maya world and combat negative energies with the Bombitas Defumación Maya 7X7 Contra todo mal AUM FRAGANCES. These magical incense spheres, handcrafted with a secret blend of sacred aromatic herbs and following Mayan ancestral rituals, provide you with a powerful tool to protect your home, business, or any space you wish to purify and strengthen.

    Each bombita offers you an intense and long-lasting aromatic experience of approximately 20 minutes. As it burns, it releases a dense and fragrant smoke that cleanses your environment from negative energies, attracting positive vibrations and creating a protective shield against bad influences.

  • Bombitas Defumación Maya Palo Santo y Ruda AUM FRAGANCES - Magical Incense...

    €4.72 -10% €4.25

    Immerse yourself in an ancient ritual of cleansing, renewal, and protection with the Maya Palo Santo and Ruda AUM FRAGANCES Incense Bombs. These magical incense spheres, handcrafted with the sacred combination of Palo Santo and Ruda, following the ancient Mayan wisdom, invite you to perform a deep and thorough smudging of your home, business, or any space you wish to purify, heal, and protect.

    Each incense bomb offers you an intense and long-lasting aromatic experience of approximately 20 minutes. As it burns, it releases a dense and fragrant smoke that cleanses your surroundings of negative energies, attracting positive vibrations and creating a protective shield against bad influences.

  • Bombitas Defumación Maya Personal Discharge AUM FRAGANCES - Magical Incense...

    €4.72 -10% €4.25

    Immerse yourself in a process of deep energetic liberation and renewal with the Mayan Defumation Personal Discharge Spheres AUM FRAGANCES. These magical incense spheres, handcrafted with a secret blend of aromatic herbs following Mayan ancestral rituals, invite you to perform a powerful personal defumation to eliminate negative energies, emotional burdens, and blockages that hinder your progress.

    Each sphere offers you an intense and long-lasting aromatic experience of about 20 minutes. As it burns, it releases a dense and fragrant smoke that cleanses your aura and your energy field, freeing you from bad vibes and attracting positive and renewing energies.

  • Bombitas Defumación Maya Palo Santo AUM FRAGANCES - Magical Maya Incense...

    €4.72 -10% €4.25

    Immerse yourself in an ancient ritual of cleansing, healing, and harmony with the Bombitas Defumación Maya Palo Santo AUM FRAGANCES. These magical incense spheres, handcrafted with 100% pure Palo Santo wood following the ancestral wisdom of the Maya, invite you to perform a deep and complete smudging of your home, business, or any space you wish to purify, heal, and fill with inner peace.

    Each bombita offers you an intense and long-lasting aromatic experience of approximately 30 minutes. As it burns, it releases a dense and fragrant smoke with purifying and healing properties, attracting positive energies and creating a harmonious and relaxing atmosphere.

  • Bombitas Maya Seven Chakras Smudging AUM FRAGANCES - Magical Incense Spheres...

    €4.72 -10% €4.25

    Embark on a journey of balance and inner harmony with the Mayan Seven Chakras Defumation Bombitas AUM FRAGANCES. These magical incense spheres, handcrafted with a blend of specific aromatic herbs for each chakra and following ancient Mayan principles, invite you to perform a complete energetic defumation to balance your chakras, purify your aura, and achieve a state of overall well-being.

    Each bombita offers you a unique and long-lasting aromatic experience of approximately 30 minutes. As it burns, it releases a dense and fragrant smoke with energizing and harmonizing properties for each of your chakras.

  • Bombitas Defumación Maya Siete Poderes AUM FRAGANCES - Magical Incense...

    €4.72 -10% €4.25

    Step into a world of abundance and well-being with the Maya Seven Powers Defumation Bombitas AUM FRAGANCES. These magical incense spheres, handcrafted with a secret blend of aromatic herbs following the ancestral Mayan knowledge, invite you to perform a powerful defumation to attract health, love, money, and success into your life.

    Each bombita offers you an intense and long-lasting aromatic experience of approximately 30 minutes. As it burns, it releases a dense and fragrant smoke that cleanses your aura and your environment from negative energies, attracting positive vibrations and opening paths to prosperity in all aspects of your life.

  • Bombitas Defumación Maya Alcanfor Canfora AUM FRAGANCES - Magical Maya...

    €4.72 -10% €4.25

    Immerse yourself in an ancient ritual of deep cleansing and protection with the Mayan Camphor Incense Bombitas AUM FRAGANCES. These magical incense spheres, handcrafted with camphor and following the ancient Mayan knowledge, invite you to perform a powerful fumigation to purify your home, business, or any space you wish to cleanse of negative energies and protect it from bad influences.

    Each bombita offers you an intense and lasting aromatic experience of approximately 20 minutes. As it burns, it releases a dense and fragrant smoke with purifying and protective properties, renewing the vibe of your environment and creating a clean and protected atmosphere.


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