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Large White Howlite Magnetist Stone - Relaxation, Sleep & Meditation - Price per Stone

Rest and recharge with our Large White Howlite Magnet Stone. This unique piece, with magnetic properties and the gentle energy of howlite, will transport you to a state of deep relaxation and well-being. Ideal for improving sleep quality, reducing stress and enhancing your meditation practices.

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Large White Howlite Magnet Stone: Your oasis of tranquility

Rest and recharge with our Large White Howlite Magnet Stone. This unique piece, with magnetic properties and the gentle energy of howlite, will transport you to a state of deep relaxation and well-being. Ideal for improving sleep quality, reducing stress and enhancing your meditation practices.

Why choose our White Howlite Magnet Stone?

  • Perfect combination: Howlite, known for its calming properties, combines with magnetic power to create a synergistic effect that promotes relaxation and balance.
  • Large size: Its generous size allows you to feel the energy of the stone more intensely and for a longer time.
  • Versatile: Use it as a decorative object, place it under your pillow or hold it during your meditations.
  • Premium Quality: Each stone is hand-selected and subjected to a cleansing and energization process.

Benefits of White Howlite Magnetizing Stone:

  • Deep relaxation: It decreases anxiety and promotes a state of deep calm.
  • Improved sleep: It fights insomnia and promotes restful sleep.
  • Stress reduction: It helps to release accumulated tensions and keep the mind clear.
  • Emotional balance: It promotes emotional stability and inner harmony.
  • Meditation Enhancer: Facilitate the connection with your inner self and deepen your meditative practices.

Properties of Howlite:

  • Sedative: It absorbs negative energy and calms the mind.
  • Purifying: Cleanse the aura and chakras.
  • Relieves pain: Reduces headaches and muscle tension.

Suggested Uses:

  • In the bedroom: Place it under your pillow for a restful night's sleep.
  • In the meditation space: Use it as a support during your meditation practices.
  • As a decorative object: Decorate your home with a unique piece full of positive energy.

What is White Howlite?

The White Howlite It is a precious stone that is highly prized for its relaxing properties and natural beauty. It is known for its characteristic white color and often features gray or black veins that give it a unique look.

Properties and benefits attributed to white howlite:

  • Relaxation and calm: Howlite is believed to help reduce stress and anxiety, promoting a state of tranquility and inner peace.
  • Sleep: It facilitates falling asleep and provides a deeper and more restful rest.
  • Mental clarity: It encourages mental clarity and concentration, making it ideal for meditation and study.
  • Emotional balance: It helps to stabilize emotions and find inner balance.
  • Anger Calming: It is said to appease anger and encourage patience and understanding.

Uses of White Howlite:

  • Crystal therapy: It is used in alternative therapies to promote relaxation and emotional well-being.
  • Jewelry: Its natural beauty makes it a popular stone for creating jewelry, such as bracelets, necklaces, and earrings.
  • Decoration: It is used in the decoration of spaces to create calm and relaxing environments.
  • Meditation: It is used as a meditation tool to connect with the interior and find peace.

Why Choose a Large White Howlite Magnetite Stone?

By combining the properties of white howlite with those of magnetite, an even more powerful stone is obtained for relaxation and balance. Magnetite, known for its magnetic properties, is believed to help improve blood circulation and relieve muscle aches.

In short White howlite is a versatile and beneficial stone that can help you find calm, improve your sleep, and promote your overall well-being. Its large size allows for greater interaction with its energy, amplifying its positive effects.


White howlite was discovered in the mid-19th century in Nova Scotia, Canada. It is named in honor of Henry How, a Canadian geologist who was one of the first to describe and study this stone.


  • Use by Native Americans: Prior to its formal discovery by Europeans, it is believed that the Native Americans of the region already knew and used howlite. However, there are no written records of this ancestral usage.
  • Popularization in the twentieth century: White howlite began to gain popularity in the world of jewelry and glassware in the early 20th century, thanks to its beauty and attributed properties.
  • Industry Use: In addition to its use in jewelry and as an ornamental stone, white howlite has also been used in industry as a filler in plastics and as a mild abrasive.
  • Crystal therapy: In recent decades, howlite has gained relevance in the practice of crystal therapy, where it is attributed healing properties for the body and mind.

White Howlite Uses: A Stone of Calm and Balance

White howlite, with its gentle energy and beauty, has been used throughout history in various practices, both medical and spiritual.

Attributed Medical Uses

Although howlite is not a substitute for professional medical care, it is credited with certain properties that may complement conventional treatments:

  • Relaxation and stress reduction: Its gentle and calming energy is used to reduce anxiety and promote relaxation.
  • Improved sleep: It is believed that howlite can help you fall asleep and enjoy a deeper, more restful night's sleep.
  • Headache relief: Some believe that it can help relieve tension headaches by promoting muscle relaxation.
  • Anger Calming: It is said to help calm anger and encourage patience.

Important: It is essential to consult a doctor for any health problem. White howlite is an adjunct and should not replace any medical treatment.

Spiritual Uses

White howlite is highly prized in the world of spirituality and metaphysics:

  • Meditation: It is used as a meditation tool to help center the mind and reach a state of deep calm.
  • Throat Chakra: It is associated with the throat chakra, promoting clear and honest communication.
  • Energy protection: It is believed to create a protective shield around the aura, helping to repel negative energies.
  • Emotional balance: It helps to stabilize emotions and find inner balance.
  • Spiritual connection: It facilitates connection with spirit guides and intuition.

Esoteric Uses of White Howlite

White Howlite, with its gentle energy and calming appearance, has been used throughout history in various spiritual and esoteric practices. Its properties associated with calm, mental clarity, and protection make it a highly valued stone in these areas.

Some of the most common esoteric uses of White Howlite include:

  • Meditation: Howlite is an ideal stone for meditation due to its ability to calm the mind and facilitate concentration. It is believed to help connect with the inner self and reach higher states of consciousness.
  • Cleansing and auric protection: It is used to cleanse the aura of negative energies and create a protective barrier around the energy body. This helps to maintain a state of emotional and spiritual balance.
  • Chakra Balance: It is associated with the throat chakra, promoting clear and honest communication. It is also said to balance the lower chakras, such as the root chakra and sacrum, providing a sense of security and stability.
  • Lucid dreams: Some practitioners believe that Howlite can facilitate the experience of lucid dreaming, allowing for greater control and awareness during sleep.
  • Connecting with Spirit Guides: It is said to facilitate communication with spirit guides and angels, helping to receive messages and guidance.
  • Purification ritual: It is used in purification rituals to cleanse spaces and objects of negative energies.
  • Spiritual growth: Howlite is believed to encourage spiritual growth and the expansion of consciousness.

White Howlite and the Chakras: A Harmonious Connection

White howlite, with its gentle energy and calming properties, has a close relationship with the chakras, the energy centers of our body. Although not associated with a specific chakra exclusively, it is believed to work in harmony with several of them, promoting balance and overall well-being.

Chakras and White Howlite

  • Throat Chakra (Vishuddha): White howlite is particularly related to this chakra, which governs communication, expression, and creativity. It is said to help overcome blockages in communication, encouraging a clear and honest expression of our thoughts and feelings.
  • Third Eye Chakra (Ajna): By promoting mental clarity and intuition, howlite is also linked to the third eye chakra. This chakra is related to extrasensory perception, inner wisdom, and connection with our higher selves.
  • Crown chakra (Sahasrara): Because of its ability to connect with the divine and facilitate deep meditation, howlite is also associated with the crown chakra. This chakra represents our connection to universal consciousness and spirituality.

Benefits of White Howlite on the Chakras

  • Emotional balance: It helps to stabilize emotions and find inner balance, favoring harmony in all chakras.
  • Clear communication: It facilitates the expression of our thoughts and feelings, promoting healthier relationships.
  • Intuition: It encourages the development of intuition and connection with our inner wisdom.
  • Spiritual connection: It helps strengthen our connection to the divine and expand our consciousness.
  • Stress reduction: By calming the mind and promoting relaxation, howlite helps reduce stress and anxiety, which in turn benefits all the chakras.

How to Use White Howlite to Balance the Chakras

  • Meditation: Place a piece of howlite over the chakra you want to balance during meditation.
  • Elixir: Prepare a howlite elixir and drink it or use it to spray your body.
  • Crystal grids: It includes howlite in a crystalline grid designed to balance the chakras.
  • Jewelry: Wear it as a necklace, bracelet, or ring near the chakra you want to work on.

The White Howlite, the Tarot and Astrology: An Energetic Triad

White howlite, with its gentle and calming energy, has found a special place in esoteric practices involving tarot and astrology. Each of these disciplines seeks to understand human nature and the universe through different lenses, and howlite can act as a bridge between them.

White Howlite and the Tarot

  • Clarity and concentration: Howlite, by promoting mental clarity, facilitates the interpretation of tarot cards. It helps to tune into the subtle energies that manifest in the cards and to obtain a more accurate and intuitive reading.
  • Calm and balance: During a tarot reading, emotions can intensify. The calming energy of howlite helps to maintain calm and emotional balance, allowing for a more objective interpretation.
  • Connection with the unconscious: By facilitating connection with the subconscious, howlite can help reveal the deeper meanings of tarot cards.

Associated arcana: Howlite is related to arcana that represent calm, wisdom, and introspection, such as the Moon, the Hermit, and the Star.

White Howlite and Astrology

  • Moon: Howlite, with its gentle and receptive energy, is strongly associated with the Moon. Both represent intuition, emotions, and the cycles of life.
  • Water signs: Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces) especially benefit from the energy of howlite, as these signs are highly intuitive and emotional.
  • House IV: House IV in astrology represents home, family, and roots. Howlite can help strengthen these aspects of life, providing a sense of security and stability.

How to Use White Howlite in Combined Practices

  • Meditation with cards: During a tarot card meditation, hold a piece of howlite to connect with your intuition and gain deeper reading.
  • Creating an Altar: Include a piece of howlite on your altar for tarot and astrology rituals.
  • Astral Elixir: Prepare a howlite elixir and use it during your astrological rituals or meditations.
  • Astrological correspondences: Associate howlite with planets, signs, and houses that resonate with you and your current purpose.

How to Activate the White Howlite: Awakening Your Energy

Activating a stone like White Howlite involves cleansing it of any residual energy and charging it with a specific intention. This allows you to enhance its properties and make it more responsive to your needs.

Steps to activate White Howlite:

  1. Cleaning:

    • Running water: Place the stone under running tap water for a few minutes, visualizing how all the negative energy is carried away.
    • Sea salt: Submerge the stone in a bowl of salt water overnight. Salt is an excellent energy cleanser.
    • Incense: Pass the stone through the smoke of a white sage incense or palo santo, visualizing how it is purified.
    • Moonlight: Place the stone in the light of the full moon throughout the night to recharge it with lunar energy.
  2. Load:

    • Sunlight: Expose it to direct sunlight for a few hours, but avoid the hours of greatest intensity so that it does not overheat.
    • White Quartz: Place the Howlite on a white quartz, which amplifies the energy of the other stones.
    • Visualization: Hold the stone in your hands and visualize a bright white light flowing into it, filling it with positive energy.
    • Intention: Set a clear intention for the stone. For example, you can ask them to help you find calm, improve your sleep, or strengthen your intuition.
  3. Programming:

    • Claims: Repeat positive affirmations while holding the stone, such as "I am calm and collected," "I sleep soundly and feel refreshed," or "My intuition is strong and clear."
    • Visualization: Visualize how the energy of the stone connects with your body and provides you with the benefits you desire.

Inner Peace Ritual with White Howlite


  • A white howlite crystal
  • A bowl of water
  • A white candle
  • Lavender or sandalwood incense (optional)
  • A quiet space


  1. Preparation of the space: Choose a quiet place free of distractions. Light the white candle and incense (if using) to create a relaxing and sacred atmosphere.
  2. Howlite Cleaning: Place the howlite under running tap water for a few minutes to clean it of any residual energy. Visualize how the water takes away all the negativity.
  3. Connection with the stone: Hold the howlite in your hands and close your eyes. Take a deep breath and connect with the soft and calming energy of the stone. Feel how its vibration envelops you.
  4. Visualization: Imagine a bright white light emanating from the howlite and filling your entire body. Visualize how this light dissolves any tension or worries you may have.
  5. Claims: Repeat positive affirmations such as "I am calm and collected," "I am at peace with myself," or "My mind is clear and focused."
  6. Meditation: Sit comfortably and meditate for a few minutes, focusing on your breath and the sense of calm that howlite provides.
  7. Gratitude: Thank the howlite for her energy and yourself for taking this time to take care of yourself.

After the ritual:

  • You can place howlite under your pillow to promote a restful sleep full of peaceful sleep.
  • Carry it with you during the day as a charm of protection and calm.
  • Place it in a visible place in your home to create an atmosphere of peace and harmony.


  • Relaxing bath: Add a few drops of lavender essential oil to the bath water and place the howlite in the water for a deeply relaxing bath.
  • Glass Grille: Create a crystal grid with the howlite and other stones that resonate with you to cleanse and energize your space.


  • Intention: Set a clear intention before you begin the ritual. What do you want to achieve with this practice?
  • Regularity: Perform this ritual on a regular basis to maintain a state of calm and well-being.
  • Customization: Tailor the ritual to your own needs and preferences.

Discover the power of calm! Purchase your Large White Howlite Magnetite Stone now and experience the benefits of this unique combination.

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