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Medium Dragon Stones - Stimulate creativity, intuition and clairvoyance - Price per stone

Our Medium Dragon Stone is a unique piece, hand-carved to enhance your natural gifts. Known for its intense energetic vibration, this stone will connect you to the depths of your intuition and creativity.

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Medium Dragon Stones

Awaken the dragon within!

Our Medium Dragon Stone It is a unique piece, hand-carved to enhance your natural gifts. Known for its intense energetic vibration, this stone will connect you to the depths of your intuition and creativity.

What makes the Dragon Stone special?

  • Stimulates creativity: Free your mind and explore new ideas with surprising clarity.
  • Enhance intuition: Develop your sixth sense and trust your hunches.
  • Encourages clairvoyance: Expand your perception and uncover the mysteries of the universe.
  • Connection with vital energy: Recharge your batteries and feel a renewed vitality.

Why choose our Dragon Stones?

  • Superior Quality: Each stone is hand-selected and carved with care to ensure its authenticity and beauty.
  • Pure Energy: We cleanse and program each stone to reach you with a powerful energetic vibration.
  • Fair Price: We offer a competitive price for a high quality stone.

Incorporate the Dragon Stone into your daily life:

  • Meditation: Use the stone as an anchor during your meditation practices.
  • Artistic creation: Place it near you while painting, writing, or creating music.
  • Rituals: Incorporate it into your rituals to enhance your intentions.
  • Decoration: Adorn your space with this unique and energetic piece.

What is the Dragon Stone?

The Dragon Stone, also known as Dragon Stone or Ohko Stone, is a very popular natural rock in the world of aquariums and decoration. Its name is due to its unique appearance, which is reminiscent of the scaly skin of a dragon.


  • Texture: Its surface is very rough and porous, with small cavities and bumps that give it an irregular and organic appearance.
  • Colour: It is usually brown, which can vary from light to dark, and sometimes has lighter veins or spots.
  • Form: Dragon stones come in a wide variety of shapes, from rounded to elongated, which allows you to create very natural and attractive compositions in aquariums.


It comes mainly from Asia and is formed through natural processes of erosion by water and wind. This erosion is what gives it its characteristic texture and irregular shapes.


  • Aquarium: It is one of the most widely used rocks in aquarium decoration due to its aesthetics and its ability to house aquatic plants and microorganisms. Its porous structure creates an ideal environment for the growth of mosses and other plants.
  • Terrariums: It is also used in the creation of terrariums, especially those that seek to recreate a natural and rocky environment.
  • Decoration: Outside the aquatic world, dragon stone can be used as a decorative element in gardens, interiors or even in jewelry.

Metaphysical properties:

Although there is no scientific evidence, in the world of glassware and lithotherapy, it is attributed with energetic and healing properties, such as the ability to stimulate creativity, intuition and connection with nature.

Esoteric, Spiritual, and Medicinal Properties of Dragon Stone: A Journey Through Beliefs and Myths

Esoteric and Spiritual Properties

The Dragon Stone, with its unique appearance and connection to nature, has been the subject of numerous beliefs and legends throughout history. A variety of esoteric and spiritual properties are attributed to it, among which the following stand out:

  • Connection to the earth and the elements: The Dragon Stone is believed to connect the individual to the energy of the earth, the elements, and the natural realms.
  • Strengthening of vital energy: This stone is said to help balance and strengthen the body's vital energy, promoting vitality and overall well-being.
  • Protection: Many believe that the Dragon Stone acts as a protective shield against negative energies and harmful external influences.
  • Promotion of creativity: It is credited with the ability to stimulate imagination and creativity, helping to unlock artistic potential and express oneself more freely.
  • Emotional balance: Dragon Stone is said to help stabilize emotions, reducing stress and anxiety, and promoting inner calm.
  • Connection with ancestors: Some believe that this stone facilitates connection with ancestors and ancestral wisdom.

Medicinal Properties

Although there are no scientific studies to support the following claims, lithotherapy (the practice of using crystals to promote health and wellness) is attributed with certain medicinal properties:

  • Strengthening the immune system: Dragon Stone is believed to help strengthen the body's natural defenses.
  • Pain relief: Some believe that this stone can help relieve pain, especially chronic pain.
  • Improved circulation: Dragon Stone is said to promote better blood circulation.
  • Chakra balance: This stone is believed to help balance the chakras, especially the root chakra and the sacral chakra.

How to use the Dragon Stone

If you want to take advantage of the energetic properties of the Dragon Stone, you can use it in a variety of ways:

  • Meditation: Place the stone on your body or in a visible place during meditation to connect with its energy.
  • Elixir: Prepare a crystal elixir by placing the stone in water for several hours and drinking it throughout the day.
  • Jewelry: Wear it as an amulet or in jewelry form to keep it close to your body.
  • Decoration: Place it in your home or workplace to create a calm and harmonious environment.


  • Intention: Intention is key when working with crystals. By using the Dragon Stone, make a clear connection to your goals and desires.
  • Cleaning and loading: Clean your stone regularly with running water or sea salt to remove accumulated energies and charge it under the light of the full moon or with the energy of the sun.
  • Combination with other crystals: The Dragon Stone can be combined with other crystals to enhance its effects.

Uses of the Dragon Stone throughout civilizations

The Dragon Stone, with its unique appearance and connection to nature, has been valued and used in a variety of ways by different civilizations throughout history. Although its name and the specific beliefs associated with it may vary, the universal appeal of this stone lies in its natural beauty and the energetic properties attributed to it.

Common uses across cultures:

  • Protective amulet: In many cultures, it has been used as an amulet to ward off negative energies, diseases, and dangers.
  • Symbol of power and strength: Her association with dragons, powerful mythical creatures, has made her a symbol of strength, power, and authority.
  • Connection with nature: Due to its natural origin, it has been used to connect with the earth, the elements, and the spirits of nature.
  • Divination Tool: In some traditions, it has been used to facilitate divination and clairvoyance.

Specific uses according to civilizations:

  • China: In Chinese culture, stones with natural formations, such as the Dragon Stone, are associated with feng shui. It is believed that they can harmonize the environment and attract good fortune.
  • Native American cultures: Many Native American tribes used unusually shaped stones as sacred objects and tools to communicate with the spirit world.
  • Medieval Europe: In the Middle Ages, oddly shaped stones were believed to have magical powers and were used in rituals and spells.
  • Eastern cultures: In India and other Eastern cultures, natural stones have been used in traditional medicine and in spiritual practices such as yoga and meditation.

The Dragon Stone and the Chakras

It is believed that the Dragon Stone can interact with several chakras, due to its mineral composition and the energetic patterns it presents. Some of the chakras most influenced by this stone are:

  • Root Chakra: Being a stone strongly connected to the earth, the Dragon Stone can strengthen the root chakra, providing a sense of security, stability, and connection to the physical world.
  • Sacral Chakra: It is said to stimulate creativity, passion, and sexual energy, associated with the sacral chakra.
  • Solar Plexus Chakra: The Dragon Stone can help strengthen self-esteem, confidence, and willpower, qualities associated with the solar plexus chakra.

Benefits of Using Dragon Stone for Chakras

  • Energy Balance: By interacting with various chakras, the Dragon Stone can help balance the flow of energy throughout the body.
  • Protection: This stone is believed to form a protective shield around the aura, helping to repel negative energies.
  • Strengthening: The Dragon Stone can strengthen the will and determination, helping to overcome obstacles and achieve goals.
  • Creativity: It is said to stimulate creativity and imagination, making it easier to express oneself.
  • Connection to the Earth: Being a stone strongly connected to the earth, it can help to ground and feel a greater connection to the natural world.

How to Use Dragon Stone for Chakras

  • Meditation: Place the stone over the chakra you want to balance during meditation.
  • Jewelry: Wear it as a pendant, bracelet, or ring near the chakra you want to activate.
  • Elixir: Prepare a Dragon Stone elixir and drink it to boost its energy benefits.
  • Glass Grid: Incorporate it into a glass grid to balance the space and promote harmony.

The Dragon Stone: A Bridge Between Earth and the Cosmos

The Dragon Stone, with its vibrant patterns and deep connection to the earth, not only interacts with the chakras, but also makes interesting connections to astrology and tarot.

Dragon Stone and Astrology

  • Fire Signs: Due to its intense and vibrant energy, the Dragon Stone resonates particularly well with fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius). It can empower your passion, creativity, and leadership.
  • Connection to the Earth: Being a stone strongly connected to the earth, the Dragon Stone can be an ally for all those signs that seek to ground themselves and find stability, such as Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.
  • Balance of the Elements: The Dragon Stone, by connecting with the earth and at the same time possessing a vibrant energy, can help balance the four elements (earth, air, fire, water) in any zodiac sign.

Dragon Stone and Tarot

  • The Emperor: The Dragon Stone, with its powerful energy and connection to the earth, is often associated with the Emperor card, representing strength, leadership, and stability.
  • The Cart: The Dragon Stone can represent the hero's journey, overcoming obstacles, and searching for one's own truth, aspects related to the Chariot card.
  • The Devil: Although it may seem contradictory, the Dragon Stone can also be related to the Devil card, not in its negative aspect, but as a representation of primordial energy and life force.

How to Use the Dragon Stone in Astrological and Tarot Practices

  • Astrological Meditation: During meditation, visualize the Dragon Stone aligned with your sun or rising sign, amplifying your natural qualities.
  • Tarot Spreads: Use the Dragon Stone as an additional oracle during your rolls, placing the stone on cards that resonate with you.
  • Creation of Mandalas: Incorporate the Dragon Stone into your astrological or tarot mandalas to visualize and manifest your desires.
  • New Moon Rituals: During the new moon, charge your Dragon Stone with your intentions for the coming month, relating them to your zodiac sign.

The Dragon Stone and Eastern Traditions: An Energetic Link

The Dragon Stone, with its vibrant energy and intricate patterns, has found a special place in various Eastern traditions. Her connection to earth, fire, and transformation make her a powerful ally for those seeking to deepen their spiritual practice.

Reiki and the Dragon Stone

In Reiki, the Dragon Stone is used to:

  • Channel energy: Its energetic vibration can amplify Reiki energy, facilitating transmission during sessions.
  • Balancing chakras: Especially useful for the lower chakras (root and sacrum), Dragon Stone can help ground and stabilize energy.
  • Protection: It is believed to form an energy shield around the practitioner and receiver, protecting them from negative energies.

Buddhism and the Dragon Stone

In Buddhism, the Dragon Stone is associated with:

  • Connection to the earth: It helps practitioners ground themselves and find stability in the midst of impermanence.
  • Transformation: It symbolizes transformation and spiritual growth, reminding us that we are all capable of change and evolution.
  • Inner strength: The Dragon Stone can help cultivate the inner strength needed to overcome challenges and achieve enlightenment.

Tantra and the Dragon Stone

In Tantra, the Dragon Stone is used to:

  • Kundalini Energy: It is believed to stimulate Kundalini energy, the vital energy found at the base of the spine.
  • Passion and creativity: Associated with the sacral chakra, the Dragon Stone can enhance passion and creativity, fundamental aspects in tantric practices.
  • Connection with primordial energy: The Dragon Stone can help practitioners connect with primordial energy and experience divinity in all things.

Other Eastern Religions

In other Eastern religions, such as Taoism and Shintoism, the Dragon Stone also has a special place. It is considered a symbol of power, transformation, and longevity.

How to Use Dragon Stone in Eastern Practices

  • Meditation: Place it over the corresponding chakra or hold it in your hands during meditation.
  • Altars: Incorporate it into your altar as a symbol of protection and transformation.
  • Mandalas: Use it in mandala creation to visualize your spiritual intentions.
  • Elixirs: Prepare a Dragon Stone elixir to boost its energy benefits.

Enhancement Combinations with the Dragon Stone

The Dragon Stone, with its powerful and versatile energy, combines beautifully with other crystals, minerals, and even incense to enhance its effects and create unique synergies. Here are some suggested combinations:

Combinations with Crystals and Minerals

  • Rose Quartz: This combination is ideal for balancing the heart and encouraging self-love. The soft energy of rose quartz softens the intensity of the Dragon Stone, creating perfect harmony.
  • Amethyst: Amethyst amplifies the spiritual properties of the Dragon Stone, fostering intuition and connection to the spirit world.
  • Hematite: Hematite, like the Dragon Stone, is excellent for rooting. Together, they provide a solid foundation and additional protection.
  • Onyx: Onyx brings strength and determination, complementing the transformative energy of the Dragon Stone.
  • Citrine: Citrine brings joy and optimism, balancing the most intense energy of the Dragon Stone.

Combinations with Incense

  • Sandalwood: Sandalwood incense enhances the relaxing and meditative properties of the Dragon Stone, creating a calm environment conducive to introspection.
  • Palo Santo: The palo santo cleanses and purifies the aura, complementing the protective action of the Dragon Stone.
  • Myrrh: Myrrh enhances spiritual connection and transformation, amplifying the effects of the Dragon Stone.
  • Benzoin incense: Benzoin stimulates creativity and inspiration, perfect synergy with the creative properties of the Dragon Stone.

How to Create Effective Combinations

  • Intention: Clearly define your intention when combining the stones. Do you want to boost protection, creativity, or spiritual connection?
  • Balance: Look for a balance between the energies of the different stones.
  • Experimentation: Don't be afraid to experiment with different combinations to find the one that resonates best with you.

Examples of Uses

  • Meditation: Place the Dragon Stone next to a rose quartz and a pink candle for a meditation focused on self-love and emotional healing.
  • Protection: Create a circle of protection with a Dragon Stone, hematite and onyx, visualizing a shield of light around you.
  • Creativity: Combine the Dragon Stone with citrine and benzoin incense to stimulate creativity and inspiration.
  • Ritual of transformation: On a full moon, place a Dragon Stone, amethyst, and a smoky quartz in a bowl of water to release what no longer serves you.

Remember: The choice of combinations depends on your personal needs and preferences. Trust your intuition and choose the stones that appeal to you the most.

How to activate your Dragon Stone:

  1. Cleaning:

    • Running water: Place the stone under running tap water for a few minutes, visualizing how all the accumulated energies are removed.
    • Sea salt: Bury it in sea salt for 24 hours. Salt is an excellent purifier.
    • Moonlight: Expose it to full moonlight throughout the night to recharge it with lunar energy, ideal for fostering intuition and spiritual connection.
    • Incense: Pass the stone through the smoke of a purifying incense such as palo santo or white sage.
  2. Load:

    • Sunlight: Place the stone in direct sunlight for a few hours, ideal for charging it with vital and invigorating energy.
    • Quartz Geode: Place the stone inside a quartz geode for a smooth and balanced energetic charge.
    • Visualization: Hold the stone in your hands and visualize a beam of pure white light entering it, filling it with positive energy.
  3. Connection:

    • Meditation: Hold the stone in your hands during meditation and connect with it on an energetic level. Feel their vibration and make a personal connection.
    • Claims: Repeat positive affirmations while holding the stone, such as "This stone connects me to my inner strength" or "I appreciate the protection and guidance of this stone."

Additional tips:

  • Regularity: Repeat this cleansing and charging process regularly to keep your Dragon Stone energetic alive.
  • Intention: Set a clear intention by activating your stone. Do you want to boost your creativity, your protection, or your connection to the earth?
  • Intuition: Trust your intuition to choose the cleaning and charging method that resonates with you the most.

Dragon Stone Rituals: Unleashing its Power

The Dragon Stone, with its vibrant energy and connection to earth and fire, is a powerful tool for performing various rituals. These rituals can help you connect with your inner strength, protect yourself, transform your life, and achieve your goals.

Rooting and Protection Ritual

  • Necessary elements: Dragon stone, a black candle, sandalwood incense, sea salt.
  • Procedure:
    1. Create a sacred space: Cleanse and purify the space where you will perform the ritual.
    2. Place the Dragon Stone in the center of a circle of sea salt.
    3. Light the black candle and sandalwood incense.
    4. Visualize roots extending from your body to the center of the Earth, connecting with the energy of the Earth.
    5. Feel how the Dragon Stone anchors and protects you.
    6. Repeat a statement like, "I am strong, I am protected, and I am grounded."

Ritual of Transformation

  • Necessary elements: Dragon stone, an orange candle, paper, pen.
  • Procedure:
    1. Write down on a piece of paper everything you want to leave behind.
    2. Light the orange candle and burn the paper, visualizing how all those negative energies are released.
    3. Place the Dragon Stone in your hands and feel how its energy fills you with vitality and propels you towards change.
    4. Repeat a statement like, "I embrace change and open myself up to new possibilities."

Ritual to Increase Creativity

  • Necessary elements: Dragon stone, a yellow candle, a citrine quartz, objects that inspire you (paintings, music, etc.).
  • Procedure:
    1. Create a creative space and place all the elements around you.
    2. Light the yellow candle and citrine quartz.
    3. Hold the Dragon Stone in your non-dominant hand and allow its energy to flow through you.
    4. Open your mind to new ideas and let creativity flow freely.

Ritual to Connect with Your Inner Power

  • Necessary elements: Dragon stone, a red candle, a mirror.
  • Procedure:
    1. Sit in front of the mirror and light the red candle.
    2. Hold the Dragon Stone in your hands and look into your eyes.
    3. Repeat an empowering affirmation, such as "I am strong, brave, and capable of achieving anything."
    4. Feel the energy of the Dragon Stone flowing through you.

Additional tips:

  • Intention: Set a clear intention before performing any ritual.
  • Visualization: Use visualization to enhance the effects of the ritual.
  • Repetition: You can repeat these rituals regularly to reinforce their effects.
  • Adaptation: Adapt these rituals to your own needs and beliefs.

Remember: The Dragon Stone is a powerful tool, but the real magic is within you. Trust your intuition and enjoy the process

Don't miss your chance to experience the power of the Dragon Stone!

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