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The cherry tree It provides anthocyanidins that help control the amount of purine converted into monosodium urate, cooperating with the kidney in its elimination.
Curcumin Obtained from turmeric, it is a great antioxidant as well as excellent nutritional support for joints.
Celery seed it has been used since ancient times in Chinese Medicine as a blood purifier. It facilitates the evacuation of urine.
The Phthalids , which are the active ingredients of celery seed, help maintain proper blood circulation and eliminate urine.
Vitamin C It serves as nutritional support as it promotes the elimination of excess uric acid in the blood.
Xanthine oxidase It is a liver enzyme that is part of the formation of uric acid.
Folic acid It helps by releasing aldelid pterin which, when bound to xanthine oxidase, inactivates it, preventing the passage of purine to uric acid.
Bromelain It helps in the absorption of quercetin and promotes the protein digestion process.
Quercetin Helps deactivate xanthine oxidase, an enzyme responsible for synthesizing uric acid from purines.
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