Brazilian Ox Eye Seed Amulet against Envy, Negativity and the Evil Eye HOSTENATURA Olho de Boi - 1 unit

Discover the ancient power of nature with our Brazilian Ox Eye Seed. This authentic amulet, carefully selected and blessed, has been used for centuries in various cultures to protect against negative energies, envy and the evil eye.

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Brazilian Oxeye Seed HOSTENATURA: Your Natural Shield against Envy, the Evil Eye and Negativity

Discover the ancestral power of nature with our Brazilian Ox Eye Seed. This authentic amulet, carefully selected and blessed, has been used for centuries in various cultures to protect against negative energies, envy and the evil eye.

Why choose our Ox Eye Seed?

  • Comprehensive protection: Create an energetic shield around you, repelling negative vibrations and attracting good luck.
  • Emotional balance: Promotes inner peace, reduces stress and improves your mood.
  • Connection with nature: Connect with the energy of the earth and strengthen your bond with the universe.
  • Superior quality: Our Ox Eye seed is 100% natural and comes from Brazil, recognized for its powerful esoteric properties.
  • Unique design: Each seed is unique, with its own veins and shades, making it a truly special amulet.

Benefits of using Ox Eye Seed:

  • Increase your self-esteem: You will feel more secure and confident in yourself.
  • Improve your relationships: Attract positive and harmonious people into your life.
  • Boost your intuition: Develop your connection with your inner self.
  • Promotes success: Open the way to new opportunities and achievements.

How to use your Ox Eye Seed?

  • Take it with you: Keep it in your purse, wallet or pocket to always have it close by.
  • Place it in your home: Place it in a visible place, such as an altar or your desk, to protect your space.
  • Meditate with her: Focus on its energy and visualize a protective light around you.

What is Ox Eye Seed - Olho de Boi?

  • Origin: It comes from the Mucuna plant, a vine that grows in America, mainly in Brazil.
  • Aspect: Its name comes from its shape, which resembles an ox's eye, with a darker central part surrounded by a lighter ring.
  • Properties: It is attributed with energetic and spiritual properties, such as the ability to repel envy, negativity and the evil eye.

What is it used for?

  • Amulet: It is worn as a talisman to protect against bad energies and attract good luck.
  • Ornamentation: It is used in jewelry, such as necklaces, bracelets and earrings, to create unique and meaningful pieces.
  • Decorative elements: It is incorporated into decorative objects such as dream catchers or paintings.

What are its benefits?

  • Protection: It is believed to create an energetic shield around the wearer, protecting them from bad vibrations.
  • Balance: Helps maintain calm and emotional balance.
  • Spiritual Connection: Facilitates connection with nature and universal energy.

The Ox-Eye Seed: A Journey Through Time and Cultures

A Mystery Shrouded in Legends

The Ox Eye seed, with its distinctive appearance and mystical attributes, is an object that has captured the imagination of many cultures throughout history. However, its exact origin and the date of its first use as an amulet are lost in the mists of time, shrouded in a shroud of legends and oral traditions.

Roots in the Depths of Nature

What we do know is that this seed comes from the Mucuna plant, a vine that grows in the lush forests of America, especially in Brazil. The indigenous peoples of these regions were the first to recognize the peculiarities of this seed and to associate it with spiritual and protective properties.

The All Seeing Eye

The characteristic shape of the seed, with its dark core surrounded by a lighter ring, evokes the image of an eye. This visual similarity led to it being attributed with the ability to "see" and to protect against evil influences. The idea that the eye is a symbol of vigilance and protection is universal and is found in many ancient cultures.

A Journey Through Cultures

  • Indigenous Peoples of America: They were the first to use the seed as an amulet, integrating it into their rituals and ceremonies.
  • Africa: The Oxeye seed also reached Africa, where it was adopted by various cultures and associated with beliefs similar to those of indigenous American peoples.
  • Other Cultures: Over time, the seed spread throughout the world, reaching Europe, Asia and other regions. In each place, new meanings and uses were attributed to it, but it always retained its essence as a symbol of protection and good luck.

In summary, The story of the Ox Eye seed is a journey through time and cultures, a reflection of the human need to seek protection, balance and spiritual connection. Although its origins are lost in antiquity, its legacy endures to this day, making it a timeless symbol of hope and good fortune.

Esoteric and Spiritual Properties of Ox Eye Seed

The Oxeye seed, with its distinctive appearance and rich history, has been revered by many cultures as an object of great spiritual and protective power. Over the centuries, various esoteric properties and benefits for emotional and spiritual well-being have been attributed to it.

Most common properties associated with Ox Eye seed:

  • Protection against negative energies: It is believed to act as an energetic shield, repelling envy, the evil eye and other negative influences.
  • Lucky charm: It is used to attract good fortune and success in all aspects of life.
  • Emotional balance: It is said to promote calm, inner peace and help overcome moments of stress or anxiety.
  • Strengthening intuition: It is believed to stimulate connection with the inner self and increase the ability to perceive subtle energies.
  • Connection with nature: Being a natural element, it is considered a bridge between the physical and spiritual world, strengthening the bond with the Earth.
  • Symbol of protection: Its shape, reminiscent of a watchful eye, makes it a powerful symbol of protection and security.

How to Use Oxeye Seed: A Practical Guide

The Oxeye seed, with its aura of mystery and protection, has been used in various ways throughout history. Here are some common ways to take advantage of its properties:

1. As a Personal Amulet:

  • Pendant: Create a necklace or pendant with the seed and wear it close to your heart to feel its protective energy.
  • Bracelet: Wear it on a bracelet to always have it with you and feel its presence.
  • Pocket: Keep it in your pocket or purse as a discreet talisman.

2. At Home:

  • Altar: Place it on your personal altar along with other objects that inspire you and connect you with your spirituality.
  • Entrance: Place the seed near the front door to protect your home from negative energies.
  • Room: Place it on your bedside table to promote a peaceful and restful sleep.

3. In Rituals:

  • Energy cleansing: Use the seed during cleansing rituals to remove stagnant energies in your home or within yourself.
  • Protection: Incorporate it into protection rituals to create an energetic shield around you.
  • Attracting abundance: Use it in rituals to attract prosperity and abundance in all aspects of your life.

4. Meditation:

  • Focus object: Hold the seed in your hands while you meditate and focus on its energy.
  • Display: Visualize the seed as a shield of light protecting you.

Additional Tips:

  • Cleaning: Before using the seed, clean it with water and sea salt to remove any residual energy.
  • Personal connection: Create a personal bond with your seed. You can talk to it, thank it, and dedicate your intentions to it.
  • Combination with other elements: Combine Oxeye seed with other crystals or plants to enhance its effects.
  • Intention: Intention is key. When using the seed, clearly visualize what you wish to attract or protect.

Remember: How you use Ox Eye seed will depend on your personal beliefs and goals. The most important thing is that you feel a deep connection with it and that it brings you peace and tranquility.

How to Activate Your Ox Eye Seed

Activating an Ox Eye seed is a personal ritual that serves to connect with yourself and the energy of the seed. It is a way to tune your intentions with the protective and energetic properties attributed to this amulet.

Here I present you a simple ritual to activate your seed:

  1. Cleaning: Start by cleaning the seed with running water and sea salt. The salt helps to remove any residual energy it may have.
  2. Connection with nature: Take the seed outdoors, to a place where you can feel connected to nature. You can do this in a garden, a park or simply on your balcony.
  3. Intention: Hold the seed in your hands and focus on your intention. What do you wish the seed to help you achieve? It could be protection, balance, good luck, or any other goal you have in mind.
  4. Display: Close your eyes and visualize a beam of pure white light enveloping the seed and yourself. Imagine how this light is filled with the energy you wish to attract.
  5. Gratitude: Express your gratitude to the seed and to the universal forces for their protection and guidance.
  6. Burden: Place the seed under the light of the full moon overnight to charge it with lunar energy. The moon is considered a symbol of renewal and growth.

Other activation methods:

  • Incense: Smoke the seed with the smoke of a purifying incense such as palo santo or sage.
  • Crystals: Place the seed next to other crystals such as white quartz or amethyst to amplify its energy.
  • Sound: Use Tibetan bowls or tuning forks to vibrate the seed and raise its frequency.

Rituals with the Ox Eye Seed: Protect your Energy and Attract Abundance

The Ox Eye seed, with its rich history and esoteric properties, has been used in various rituals to protect against negative energies, attract good luck and promote well-being. Here are some rituals you can perform with this powerful seed:

Home Protection Ritual

  • Items: Oxeye seed, sage or palo santo incense, a small bowl with water and sea salt.
  • Procedure:
    1. Cleaning: Start by cleansing your home with incense smoke, visualizing how negative energies dissipate.
    2. Protection: Place the seed in the center of your home, in a visible place.
    3. Circle of protection: Sprinkle salt water in the corners of each room, visualizing a circle of protection around your home.
    4. Affirmation: Repeat a protective affirmation, such as "My home is a safe and light-filled haven."

Ritual to Attract Abundance

  • Items: Ox Eye Seed, a green candle, a green cloth bag, coins or bills.
  • Procedure:
    1. Preparation: Light the green candle and place the seed next to it.
    2. Display: Visualize the green energy of the candle flowing into the seed, filling it with abundant energy.
    3. Affirmation: Repeat an abundance affirmation, such as, "Prosperity flows to me steadily and abundantly."
    4. Burden: Place the seed and coins or bills in the green bag. Carry it with you or place it in a visible place in your home.

Personal Cleansing Ritual

  • Items: Oxeye Seed, a bowl of water, sea salt and a few drops of your favorite essential oil.
  • Procedure:
    1. Purifying bath: Add the water with salt and essential oil to your bath. Immerse yourself in the water and visualize how all the negative energies are eliminated from your body.
    2. Protection: Hold the seed in your hand while you bathe and visualize a protective shield around you.

Full Moon Ritual

  • Items: Ox Eye Seed, a white quartz crystal.
  • Procedure:
    1. Connection: Place the seed and quartz in a place where they will receive light from the full moon.
    2. Intention: Focus on your intention and visualize the energy of the full moon charging the seed and quartz.
    3. Gratitude: Express your gratitude to the moon and the seed for their energy.


  • Intention: Intention is the driving force of any ritual. Visualize clearly what you wish to achieve.
  • Personalization: Adapt these rituals to your own beliefs and needs.
  • Repetition: You can repeat these rituals regularly to maintain a positive and protective energy in your life.

Combinations of Incense and Ox Eye Seed to Enhance Rituals

Combining incense and Oxeye seed can significantly amplify the energy and purpose of your rituals. Each incense has specific properties that, when combined with the protective energy of the seed, can create powerful synergies.

Here we propose some combinations and their possible benefits:

For Protection and Cleaning:

  • Sage and Palo Santo: These classic incenses are known for their ability to purify spaces and drive away negative energies. Combined with Ox Eye seed, they create an even stronger protective shield.
  • Sandalwood: Known for its ability to promote calm and inner peace, sandalwood, together with the seed, creates a relaxing and safe environment.

To Attract Abundance:

  • Cinnamon: Associated with prosperity and abundance, cinnamon, along with the seed, can enhance the manifestation of your material desires.
  • Patchouli: Known to attract money and good fortune, patchouli, combined with the seed, can create an environment conducive to the manifestation of wealth.

For Love and Relationships:

  • Pink: The sweet scent of the rose is associated with love and harmony. Combined with the seed, it can encourage healthy and loving relationships.
  • Jasmine: Known for its ability to attract love and passion, jasmine, along with the seed, can strengthen emotional bonds.

For Spirituality and Intuition:

  • Incense: Known for its spiritual properties, incense, combined with the seed, can enhance the connection with your higher self and facilitate meditation.
  • Myrrh: Associated with spiritual enlightenment, myrrh, along with the seed, can help you deepen your spiritual practice.

How to use incense with Ox Eye seed:

  • Smoke the seed: Before beginning a ritual, smoke the seed with the chosen incense to cleanse it energetically and attune it to the intention of the ritual.
  • Create an atmosphere: Light the incense in the place where you will perform the ritual to create a favorable atmosphere.
  • Display: As the incense burns, visualize the energy of the incense and seed merging and creating a protective or abundant energy field, depending on your intention.
  • Affirmations: Repeat positive affirmations related to the purpose of your ritual while connecting with the combined energy of the incense and seed.

Additional Tips:

  • Intention: Intention is key in any ritual. When combining the incense and seed, focus on your desire and visualize its manifestation.
  • Personalization: Experiment with different combinations of incense and seeds to find the ones that resonate best with you.
  • Security: Always use good quality incense and follow the manufacturer's instructions.

By combining incense with Ox Eye seed, you can enhance your rituals and create an environment conducive to the manifestation of your wishes.

HOSTENATURA: Your ally in natural wellbeing. Trust in our experience and quality to find the products that will help you achieve the balance and harmony you seek.

Get your Brazilian Ox Eye Seed now at HOSTENATURA and experience the power of nature!

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